Making your vote count


By Taylor Amos

The first time I got involved with a presidential election wasn’t as a registered voter. Rather, it was as a student elections worker.

It was 2008, and I was a 17-year-old high school student and not eligible to vote.

I arrived at my neighborhood polling place at 5 a.m. on a brisk Chicago morning along with my fellow volunteers. That day is still one of the most memorable days of my life.

Every presidential election is historic for some reason or another, but this one was once-in-a-generation historic – the first time an African-American was on a general election ballot for president. Because I wasn’t old enough to vote, working the polls was my way to be involved in the political process.

Less than a year later, when I turned 18, I registered to vote. It was important to me to complete my voter registration on my birthday because to the world this was the day I became an adult – signaling that I was ready to be entrusted with the responsibility of voting.

My mother frequently reminds me of Luke 12:48: “For of those to whom much is given, much is required.”

As Americans we have the right and the freedom to choose who governs us at every level of our government. It’s a privilege that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Our next president will be entrusted to make major decisions that will affect our way of life not just for the next four or eight years, but for years to come. As you tune into the final debate and make your way to the polls in November, remember the duty that you have been tasked with, and whatever decision you make, make it count!

Learn more about Bread’s I Vote to End Hunger campaign and then get involved to ensure that our next president and Congress make ending hunger a priority.

Taylor Amos is an Art Simon Fellow at Bread for the World.

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