Never again


By Bishop Jose Garcia

Never again. That’s the promise God made to us: that in God’s time, “never again will there be … an infant who lives but a few days” (Isaiah 65:20; NIV). Scripture is clear about the plan God has for the world — deprivation and death will be put away, and the tragedy of needless deaths that claim the lives of so many will vanish.

But what can we do here and now? In this year’s Offering of Letters: Survive and Thrive, you have a unique opportunity to be part of God’s plan by loving your hungry neighbors. When 45 percent of preventable child deaths is due to malnutrition in the critical 1,000 days between a woman’s pregnancy and a child’s second birthday, we must call our elected officials to take the needs of hungry women and children around the world seriously. You can demonstrate what God wants for the world: the end of needless suffering caused by hunger and poverty.

That’s why I want to make sure you don’t miss this year’s Offering of Letters. Have you scheduled yours yet? Because of the legislative landscape this year, it’s particularly important that you send your letters for this year’s topic in early. When Christians across the country pray and act together, we make a difference! Offering of Letters materials are available in English and Spanish on our website to help you start planning your letter-writing event today.

Thank you for all the faithful advocacy you’ve done. Together as one Christian voice, we can ensure that women and children around the world will never again suffer from hunger and poverty.

Bishop Jose Garcia is the director of church relations at Bread for the World. 


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