Hunger in the News

Hunger in the News: Immigration, hungry kids, and criminal justice

2 Min Read

Hunger on College Campuses is Growing,” by Lawndale News. ““I missed the apples, but I got a lot of other good, healthy stuff,” says Flora, a Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) student who is cradling a bag of oatmeal, cauliflower, carrots, ground turkey, and enough yellow onions to fuel her favorite sofrito recipe. “I’m Latina, so I have to have my sofrito!” she laughs.”

Detaining mothers and kids in immigration detention centers is a national disgrace,” by Kim Hunter and Brian Aust, (Opinion), Minneapolis Star Tribune. “With the election of Donald Trump and a Republican Congress, advocates for immigration reform can look forward to more years of playing defense. In the meantime, there is one grave immigration injustice that President Obama has the power to fix now — ending family immigration detention.”

How Hungry Kids Will Fare Under Trump,” by Bettina Elias Siegel, Civil Eats. “In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s surprise victory on Tuesday, all the things I’d planned to write about this week—a review of a new cookbook, an informative article I recently read—suddenly seem exceedingly trivial. Instead I can only think about the many troubling ramifications of this election, including what it may mean for the millions of children who rely on federal programs like school meals for critical nutrition.”

The case for optimism on criminal justice reform — even under President Trump,” by German Lopez, Vox. “Is criminal justice reform doomed?”

Sustainable agriculture deserves center stage in Marrakech,” by José Graziano da Silv, Christian, Science Monitor. “Marrakesh can and should become the place where we assign agriculture its central role in solving the triple threat of hunger, poverty and climate change.”

Exit Polls 2016: Voters Show a Deep Hunger for Change,” by Laura Meckler, Wall Street Journal. “After eight years of Democratic rule, four in 10 voters said they wanted the next president to bring “needed change.” Among them, Republican Donald Trump overwhelmingly won, exit polls showed.”

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