Celebrating Bread for the World Sunday


Bread for the World Sunday is an opportunity for churches and communities to live out God’s vision of a world without hunger and to celebrate that it is possible to see this in our lifetime. By speaking up, praying, and giving financial support to Bread for the World, churches can make a greater impact. We have a historic opportunity to move the U.S. government to end hunger, and when Christians come together around a unified message, government leaders listen. 

Here is how to plan your church’s celebration. 

  1. Select a Sunday or weekend when you will celebrate Bread for the World Sunday. 
  2. Plan which elements in your worship service will address hunger. Your celebration can be as simple as including prayers for people struggling and our nation’s government leaders who can change policies and programs that can help to end hunger. Prayers of the day is a great vehicle for this. You may wish to devote the sermon, children’s sermon, or other liturgy to the issue of hunger. Many churches have a “mission moment” during the service or perhaps there can be a special announcement or incorporate other activities in the service. 
  3. Make sure you have the resources you’ll need. Biblical reflections, liturgical materials, and small group resources are available here
  4. As part of your “We Can End Hunger Sunday” celebration, you may want to conduct an Offering of Letters (bread.org/ol). Take time to write brief online letters to members of Congress, urging them to invest in programs that address hunger and poverty in the U.S. and around the world. 

If you have questions or need any assistance, reach out to Rev. Nancy Neal, minister for Spiritual Formation and Wellness at Bread for the World at [email protected] or 202-688-1019. 

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