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Rev. Lori Tapia

Rev. Lori Tapia is the first female and first Mexican American to serve as National Hispanic Pastor for the Disciples of Christ (Christian Church). In this role, she works with more than 170 Hispanic churches across the United States and Canada, with members representing every state in the U. S., every Latin American country, and several countries in the Caribbean and South America. 

Tapia has more than 20 years of experience in family and community programming, administration, and program development. She seeks to create relevant and innovative environments that foster growth and multiplication for the Kingdom. Tapia has contributed to Bread for World’s bilingual Latino devotional, Finding Hope, Ending Hunger on Both Sides of the Border and was a keynote speaker at Bread’s 2023 Advocacy Summit. She also joined the Circle of Protection’s Unity Declaration on Racism and Poverty. 

Tapia holds a Master of Divinity from Claremont School of Theology. She is Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Chandler, Arizona.